Well, it's been a bit of a crap week work-wise. It turns out that I brought a little something extra back from Sweden this time - a computer virus called nimda (variants A and E to be exact - in case anyone's interested, nimda is admin spelt backwards, which I guess is the author's idea of a joke). So, I've spent too long this week disinfecting my old system and trying to build a new one.
Gotta consider myself lucky though, as this is the first one that I've been hammered by (hopefully, the last too). So this week has been typical of the experience of many of us when dealing with computer technology - you end up spending too much of your time grappling with the technology itself, rather than using it to do anything particularly useful
Gotta consider myself lucky though, as this is the first one that I've been hammered by (hopefully, the last too). So this week has been typical of the experience of many of us when dealing with computer technology - you end up spending too much of your time grappling with the technology itself, rather than using it to do anything particularly useful